C Programming

C programming Training Course

What's the course about

C is one of the foundations for modern information technology (IT) and computer science (CS).Many working principles of IT and CS, such as programming languages, computer architectures, operating systems, network communication, database, graphical user interface (GUI), graphics, image processing, parallel processing, multi-threads, real-time systems, device drivers, data acquisition, algorithms, numerical analysis, and computer game, are based on or reflected in the functionalities and features of C.

C is the base for almost all popular programming languages.Because of the performance and portability of C, almost all popular cross-platform programming languages and scripting languages, such as C++, Java, Python, Objective-C, Perl, Ruby, PHP, Lua, and Bash, are implemented in C and borrows syntax and functions heavily from C.

Course objective

Students gain valuable knowledge of fundamental programming concepts such as data types, internal data representations, operators, expressions, loops for repetitions, control structures, arrays, input and output, functions, debugging, etc.

Studying C provides a solid foundation for students who want to learn advanced programming skills such as object-oriented programming, event-driven programming, multi-thread programming, real-time programming, embedded programming, network programming, parallel programming, other programming languages, and new and emerging computing paradigms such as grid-computing and cloud computing.
